Posts Tagged ‘Jerry Puyell’


The Cinebox played music videos of un-released original songs that were cut only as demo records that never went to press and were never put on the market. The record companies used the Cinebox circuit as a market survey to test consumer reactions and presumably the luke-warm reception determined the shelving of the song.Below, for the very first time, I show three music videos in black and white that were produced in 1964 by the SIPEC company that was the main supplier of the films for Cinebox. The managing director of the SIPEC Company Piero Pompili was also the director of the music video.

Fausto Leali & Laura Casati

The first Music Video is entitled Mi sei piacuta subito (I liked you straightaway): sung and performed by the duo Fausto Leali with Laura Casati, both of whom were separate single artists in other music videos of the Cinebox collection. The song is lively and catchy but apparently it did not convince the record company so it was not produced or put onto the market. A long time ago Laura Casati withdrew from the world of music and lives in the town of Pavia Italy with her family. Fausto Leali had completely forgotten that he had ever recorded this song and music video. In fact he adamantly refused to acknowledge its existence and he proffered a bet upon it. As we can see below, he lost the bet!

Remo Germani

The second music video is entitled Modestamente (In all modesty): sung by Remo Germani (Milano Italy 31 May 1938-Vigevano Italy 18 October 2010). Remo Germani also had other music videos in the Cinebox collection one of which was the highly successful song Non Andare col Tamburo (Don’t go with your drum).
Just like Fausto Leali, this song and music video had completely faded from Remo Germani’s memory. There is no trace or listing of this song or music video in his official song lists.

Jerry Puyell

The third Music Video is entitled Non ho il Clan (loosely translated: I do not belong to a clan) sung by Jerry Puyell (Mario Puglielli) from Milano Italy, son of a military hero, who was a forerunner of the Italian rock singers. He was the son of an agent of the Italian Military secret service and he was one of the so called ‘Wild ravers’ who went down in the history of Italian music, known as the Clan (Adriano Celentano, Clem Sacco, Ghigo, Jack la Cayenne, Guidone). In the late fifties the Milan civil authorities and the religious order of the Ambrosiani were scandalized by their rebellious wild raving antics during a concert at the Ice Rink Palace and at the Teatro Smeralda. They were decrying and instigating ‘Rebel Music’ as an offshoot of what was happening with Rock ‘n’ Roll in America and the rest of the world. Jerry Puyell, like Adriano Celentano, in an outrageous parody imitated in a ridiculously comical springy, shaking manner Jerry Lewis and Elvis Presley and he could seem to be the twin brother of Celentano who in Italian is appropriately nicknamed “The springer” (Il molleggiato). In the end Jerry Puyell never became one of ‘The Clan’ of Celentano. Obviously, this is where the title Non ho il Clan (I do not belong to a clan) originated from. Today, Jerry Puyell lives in Madrid, Spain and runs his own business.